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EXA_PICO Universe Wiki

Ar Ciel[]

As every single being in the universe of EXA_PICO, the planet Ar Ciel has a Will too, however, it's composed of an aggregate of several high-leveled consciousnesses, each one having an specific role and function in the maintenance and preservation of the life in the planet. Due to their great powers, the inhabitants of Ar Ciel worship them as Gods and the Wills themselves have also manifested in the physical world, either by possessing a person, or by being born as a human, to help with the development of the human civilization, as well trying to keep it from overpopulating the planet's surface. While the Planet has a theoretically infinite number of wills, the main wills that compose its consciousness are listed in the following table:

Name Name in Kanji and Meaning Lineage Role in the Myths Current Role as a Will Represents in Cartology
Ciela = Horus (Doesn't have one). Land Discovered near the end of the First Era. Doesn't appear in any myths. Governs the entirety of the Ar Ciel's physical structure (D-Wave phenomena) N/A
Nayudara = Juklizda


(Creator of Myriads)

Sky Sun god Light, radiation, preservation of the stratosphere January / First Moon
Rokkan = Clyuue


(Six Crowns)

Souls King of kings, lord of the gods Core of the wills, controller of U waves February / Second Moon
Soutentei = Soreile


(Blue Heaven Emperor)

Sky God of the skies and wind Weather control, atmospheric maintenance March / Third Moon
Koudeinomikoto = Listea


(Lord of the Crimson Shrine)

Souls God of weapons and battle Control of H-Wave interference, mediation, natural selection April / Fourth Moon
Saranoyomei = Shelanoir


(Master of the Sal Tree World)

Land God of plants, forests, and life Plant-centric god of creation May / Fifth Moon
Deiji = Dijya


(Mud Road)

Sky God of mountains and volcanoes Oversees mantle convection, minerals, the earth, etc. June / Sixth Moon
Reishiki = Lere (Rere)


(Princess of Zero Beasts)

Land God of souls and the material world Primary god of creation, controls H-Waves July / Seventh Moon
Sakiyarumei = Saki


(Shining Life That Blooms at Night)

Land God of salvation, life Animal-centric god of creation August / Eighth Moon
Datenkou = Salapator (Sarapatra)


(Fallen Heaven Empress)

Souls Goddess of love, god of downfall H-wave interference, harmony, resonance September / Ninth Moon
Soumanomiya = Soma


(Residence of the Blue Measles)

Sky Violent god of catastrophes Balance through natural selection, maintenance of the world October / Tenth Moon
Sashanomiya = Sasya (Sasha)


(Residence of Gold Dust)

Souls God of civilization and knowledge Oversees D-waves and material order November / Eleventh Moon
Suzunomiya = Hymmnosphere


(Residence of the Milky Way)

Souls God of song and creation Mother of all 3D substance, controls D-waves December / Twelfth Moon
Kokura = Filament


(Black Whelk)

Sky God of death and poverty Overseer of balance for world preservation N/A
Gurentei = Yurishica


(Crimson Lotus Emperor)

Land God of fire and civilization Revelation and encouragement of human advancement N/A
Ar Ru (Doesn't have one). Land Born after the First Era. Doesn't appear in any myths. Creation and control of the Antibodies. N/A

Note: The first name is the one given to them by the humans, while the second name is their true name. Additionally, while Ciela is indeed a representation of the Will Horus, she is also composed of several other Wills, Clyuue and Juklizda included among them. It's just that Horus forms the core of her existence.

As shown in the table above, all of the Wills belong to a determinate Lineage, which indicates to which Wills they are subordinate, or more straightforwardly, which Wills are parents to which. All of the Wills can have their origins traced back to the three Wills of Origin: Horus, Juklizda and Clyuue, which were the first Wills of Ar Ciel, and the founders of the Earth, Sky and Soul lineages, respectively. However, if any of the Wills of Origin were to die, then all of the Wills that are children to it would perish as well. This is what would happen a few years after the events of Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel to Horus due to her extreme weakening, which was caused by the planet's surface being destroyed by the Grathnode Inferia. In this same example, if Horus dies, all the other Land Wills will perish as well, and this will inevitably lead to the death of the planet and every being living in it, in the event called the Demise of Ar Ciel.

The Wills are divided into two main classes: Modifiers, which are tasked with creating life, and Maintenancers, which are the ones tasked with the preservation of life; and among them, they are also further subdivided into other four subclases: Powers (the Wills of Power), Wisdomes (the Wills of Knowledge), Charities (the Wills of Love), and finally, Hymmers (the Wills of Feelings). They can also change classes depending on the circumstances in which the Planet is at the moment, if they really wish to undergo said change and if the other Wills are in agreement with the change. However, the Will that requests this has to comply with a great number of very severe conditions to be able to perform the change, otherwise, it won't gain the approval of the other Wills, and will disappear. Once a Will has disappeared, it's impossible to bring it back, and another one has to be created in replacement for it.

The Wills of Ar Ciel all live in the Planetary Core, which, as its name says, it's located in the deepest underground areas of the planet.

Ra Ciela[]

Like all planets, Ra Ciela has it's own collection of Wills as well. The original Wills were destroyed during the events of Ciel nosurge due to the song Ra Ciel Fuser converting the entire planet and the planetary core into a microquasar. Prior to Ra Ciela's rebirth in Ra Ciel Reincarnation, Cosal had already trained to become the Will that served as its core. It is unknown what the names of the other new Wills are.
