This timeline summarizes all the important events that have taken place in EXA_PICO's Universe. The years are based off Ar Ciel's calendar system, as the Ra Cielan years are still unknown at the moment.
Under Ar Ciel's system, while BC currently has no official meaning, AD means "Ammue Dius", which translates to "Era of the Divine Sounds".
Before the First Era[]
Year | Events |
Several Million Years Ago (Exact Date Unknown) |
-23000 BC |
-7304 BC |
-4290 BC |
-2304 BC |
-1120 BC |
-1022 BC |
-822 BC |
- 484 BC |
-223 BC |
-18 BC |
-3 BC |
(Unknown Year) BC |
10 AD |
64 AD |
91 AD |
281 AD |
348 AD |
387 AD |
388 AD |
421 AD |
711 AD |
768 AD |
770 AD |
998 AD |
1034 AD |
1228 AD |
1702 AD |
1859 AD |
1890 AD |
1912 AD |
1998 AD |
2009 AD |
2020 AD |
2022 AD |
2050 AD |
2218 AD |
2537 AD |
2538 AD |
2540 AD |
2637 AD |
2640 AD |
2665 AD |
2755 AD |
2771 AD |
2912 AD |
First Era[]
Year | Events |
2915 AD |
2919 AD |
2921 AD |
2929 AD |
2930 AD |
2932 AD |
2934 AD |
2944 AD |
2962 AD |
2968 AD |
2971 AD |
2973 AD |
2974 AD |
2975 AD |
2977 AD |
2978 AD |
2982 AD |
2983 AD |
2990 AD |
2992 AD |
2993 AD |
2997 AD |
2999 AD |
3000 AD |
3001 AD |
3007 AD |
3010 AD |
3013 AD |
3016 AD |
3018 AD |
3020 AD |
3021 AD |
3022 AD |
3023 AD |
3025 AD |
3026 AD |
3027 AD |
3028 AD |
3029 AD |
3030 AD |
3031 AD |
3032 AD |
3033 AD |
3034 AD |
3035 AD |
3036 AD |
3037 AD |
3038 AD |
3039 AD |
3040 AD |
Second Era[]
Year | Events |
3040 AD |
3041 AD |
3042 AD |
3043 AD |
3045 AD |
Note: The prediction was [This tower will be annihilated on the 3045 year]. Jaza saw it in the descriptor manual of Sol Marta. In practice, when the construction of the tower ended, it was planned that it would cease its use and be destroyed, in a descriptor called [Tidying up]. The Grathnode Inferia caused the plans to be stopped, but it was determined that even if it was not in this year, Rhaki would destroy the tower anytime the conditions written in the descriptor were fulfilled. |
3046 AD |
3047 AD |
3048 AD |
3050 AD |
3051 AD |
3052 AD |
3053 AD |
3054 AD |
3055 AD |
3056 AD |
3057 AD |
3058 AD |
3059 AD |
Note: In these old days, the area of Metafalss was surrounded by mountains whose summits reached as high as 3000 Stons (approx. 9000m). Living here was very different from living in the weather-controlled enviroment of the Second Tower, since not much people could live in these altitudes because of the weather and the atmospheric pressure. Still, there were many laborers harvesting ores, which helped a lot with the development of the region. |
3060 AD |
3061 AD |
3062 AD |
3064 AD |
Note: This disease was called the [Tatoolist Disease] in El Elemia. It affects only the Third Generation Reyvateils, since they have both Reyvateil and human characteristics. This disease consumes the life span of the Reyvateils, making them unable to live beyond 18 years. |
3065 AD |
3067 AD |
3068 AD |
3069 AD |
3072 AD |
3075 AD |
Note: At the time, the idea for Infel Phira was [creating a Continent with our own power]. And so, Metafalss inherited the project they had in the First Era, and they marked as its purpose the creation of the [Metafalica Utopia]. |
3080 AD |
3082 AD |
3084 AD |
3085 AD |
3086 AD |
3087 AD |
3088 AD |
3089 AD |
3090 AD |
3091 AD |
3092 |
3094 AD |
Note: The Hard Surface is the concrete town planning, and the attempt to harmonize the public works with the environment, while the Soft Surface is related to the residency limit in Pastalia and to the traffic going back and forth from the Rim. |
3097 AD |
3099 AD |
3101 AD |
3102 AD |
3103 AD |
3104 AD |
3106 AD |
3109 AD |
3110 AD |
3111 AD |
3114 AD |
3116 AD |
3120 AD |
3121 AD |
3122 AD |
3124 AD |
3125 AD |
3126 AD |
3129 AD |
3135 AD |
3140 AD |
3147 AD |
3150 AD |
3153 AD |
3155 AD |
3156 AD |
3162 AD |
3166 AD |
3176 AD |
3177 AD |
3180 AD |
3183 AD |
Note: When a Reyvateil is still young, a special Grathnode Crystal containing DNA seeds, called the [D Cellophane] is installed into her, allowing her to copy the abilities and Hymn Code of another Reyvateil. Mainly, the Pureblooded β-Types and the Origins transcribed their abilities to the Third Generation ones, the original objective for this technique being to increase their powers, thus calling them [Transcribed Pureblooded β-Types], and the plan was called β ER (from Early Reflection for Transcription, abbreviated as ERT) from which, now only the name remains. Actually, thanks to the transcribing of the Origin Frelia, the Maiden has the same knowledge and skills as the Origin, and can convey that information during her life, but during the age in which Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica takes place (the 3700 era), it's done in a semiformal way, since the person that will become the Maiden has to show the proof that she continues possessing the transcribed processes of the β ER. This technique began to be practiced in the 3040 period, but its theory was clarified this year. |
3184 AD |
Note: From here on, and until the 14th Maiden [Nenesha], the average life span for the Maidens was around 15 years. This was because the Diquility (Life Extending Agent) wasn't discovered until then, and the Third Generation Reyvateils had very limited life spans. Because of this, it was said that the [Maiden is like a flower]. The flowers bloom, and then they wither away. For that reason, the Maidens stirred a large number of festivals and ceremonies; they lived at the highest peak of luxury, and were the representations of magnificence. |
3186 AD |
3187 AD |
3188 AD |
3190 AD |
3193 AD |
3194 AD |
3201 AD |
3202 AD |
3205 AD |
3208 AD |
3210 AD |
3211 AD |
Note: The appointment of the Maiden interfered with the interests of the radicals. For that reason, they decided to annihilate the child that was the candidate to Maiden. Due to this incident, the Grand Bell Agency in their despair decided to freeze and cancel the Infel Phira plan for four years and disclosed the New Testament of Metafalica. |
3215 AD |
Note: In this year, the organization of the radical faction announced the deciphering and publication of Jaza's Metafalica Theory. They boasted that within 5 years, humankind would leave this temporary land and move to the continent they themselves made. For that reason, they made this announcement and started the construction of the Metafalica Cathedral. The people were expectantly gazing at the Cathedral, and waiting for its completion. |
3217 AD |
Note: When it became known that there were Reyvateils abducted and sacrificed for the purpose of singing Metafalica, the people's support disappeared. The conservative faction iself collapsed under popular pressure. The Metafalica Cathedral (which was where Lakra is currently located) was never completed due to this. The Metafalica Cathedral was a grand ceremonial temple based on Jaza’s hidden theory, and so, to make it similar to a place for the repose of souls, there was a statue of the Goddess in there, and was supported by 33 pillars. The conservatives later regained their power, and then announced the sealing Jaza’s theory under the pretext that it sacrificed too many Reyvateils. Jaza’s theory was the last hope of the people, and when it crumbled away, they fell into a lethargic state. |
3218 AD |
3219 AD |
3228 AD |
3233 AD |
3237 |
3238 AD |
3246 AD |
Note: Neal was a very weak Reyvateil, one that would be called a [Class-D] Reyvateil under Tenba’s standard. The ER (Early Reflection) technique has large difficulties transcribing when used by a weak Reyvateil. |
3249 AD |
3251 AD |
3253 AD |
3254 AD |
3255 AD |
3258 AD |
Note: In that announcement, a promise was made to everyone that the project wouldn't involve any sacrifices. That statement was made because of the apparition of the Mad Scientist Grammul. He established the peculiar [Super Reyvateil Theory], and because he had some proof to back up his theory, he was hired by the Grand Bell Hall Agency. |
3259 AD |
3261 AD |
3263 AD |
3264 AD |
3270 AD |
Note: When Dive Therapy is used, the Therapist is capable of causing such a strong shock on the Diver (customer) that it might cause their mind to break down. These were murder cases that caused a great deal of panic, as any Reyvateil that has undergone the appropriate training is capable of killing people this way. |
3271 AD |
3274 AD |
3275 AD |
3276 AD |
3280 AD |
3282 AD |
3283 AD |
Note: This was created with the intention of having Reyvateils that didn't depend on the Tower of Ar tonelico. In this age, all the Reyvateils drew the power for their Songs from the First Tower (the setting for Ar tonelico 1). Project Metafalica was made with the goal of being able to create an entire continent, and that continent was to be made via the Song Magic of the Reyvateils, but they couldn’t evaluate properly the powers of the First Tower. Therefore, they began to try and create Reyvateils that had new methods for the crafting and use of Song Magic. Frelia's D-Cellophane and the ERT technique were essential for this project to be a success. |
3290 AD |
3291 AD |
Note: The Reyvateils of this age received all their power from El Elemia's First Tower (the setting for Ar tonelico 1). While the Metalfassians built the Second Tower, they also didn't mind taking the risk of separating from the control of the First Tower, given that the Second Tower was anyway planned to be erased. The announcement that was made when the Infel Phira: First Stage project started was this: [We shall switch over the Reyvateils to a system that we can control and administrate]. An IPD (abbreviation for Infel Phira Dependency) is a [Reyvateil that doesn't depend on the First Tower (Ar tonelico) for the use of her powers]. Everyone had large expectations on this next generation of Reyvateils. |
3295 AD |
3298 AD |
Note: The first IPD Maiden, [Infel], was named because of her connection to the system that was used to give powers to her. Infel was a very powerful and a very intelligent Reyvateil, and she was always a girl that was always thinking, and the people were amazed by her. She always spent her days reading from sun to sun and from moon to moon. |
3299 AD |
3300 AD |
3304 AD |
3305 AD |
3306 AD |
3308 AD |
3309 AD |
Note: The Second Stage was the defining phase of the plan, since it was "the one that was to become our hometowns, the one that was to let us create the green continent [Metafalica]". And about the plan, the most essential parts of it were the β ER technique, the IPDs and the 2 Maidens (Mio and Homura), but later on, all of these things were forgotten completely. |
3310 AD |
3311 AD |
3312 AD |
3313 AD |
Note: In this year, the first complete Metafalica was sung. However, because the people didn't like what they saw in Infel's heart, they closed their hearts away from her, thus closing off the power supply they were supposed to provide her. Therefore, Nenesha's power supply wasn't enough for the creation of a continent and began to absorb power from Frelia to compensate it. Because of this, Raki considered Nenesha as a threat and killed her. The world immediately declared war on the Goddess, with Infel commanding everyone because of Nenesha's death. |
3314 AD |
3315 AD |
3316 AD |
3317 AD |
3319 AD |
Note: Because of this, the Grand Bell Hall had to deal with many difficult problems. There were many items to clear in this list, such as shutting down Infel Phira, completely purifying the IPDs, and many others, but they would have to be done one by one. But actually, none of this was actually decided by the Goddess, as the Grand Bell was doing nothing but shifting the blame for the Project they were carrying out to Her. |
3320 AD |
3322 AD |
3328 AD |
3330 AD |
3334 AD |
Note: After the establishment of the Pastalia Environment Works Plan, the people from Pastalia and the Rim were not able to continue traveling back and forth between both places. The people from Pastalia oppressed the inhabitants of the Rim. Therefore, the prospect of building a railroad network in it looked as a foolish idea, and everyone opposed it. |
3337 AD |
3341 AD |
3344 AD |
3345 AD |
3348 AD |
3349 AD |
3351 AD |
3352 AD |
3353 AD |
3355 AD |
3356 AD |
3357 AD |
3358 AD |
3359 AD |
Note: The people thought to call the railroad network the [Raksha Axis]. However, Raksha decided that she wasn't grand enough to deserve that honor, and instead proposed that the railroad network would be called the [Souffle Axis]. |
3361 AD |
3366 AD |
3367 AD |
3369 AD |
3375 AD |
3380 AD |
Note: Raksha delayed her retirement for 4 years, determined to establish bonds between Pastalia and the Rim. She decided that she couldn't abandon her position as Maiden until the negotiations with Pastalia ended successfully. |
3381 AD |
3390 AD |
3394 AD |
Note: The IPDs wouldn't cease their outbreaks until the source of their powers, Infel Phira, was completely shut down. |
3400 AD |
3401 AD |
3402 AD |
3407 AD |
3409 AD |
3411 AD |
3420 AD |
3421 AD |
3422 AD |
Third Era[]
Year | Events |
3424 AD |
3425 AD |
Note: As they had agreed to it in the Treaty with the Goddess, the Grand Bell went on without using their ultimate weapon, Infel Phira, and were crushed by Neo Elemia's might. Even though the people earnestly desired it, the Grand Bell refused to use Infel Phira till the bitter end. |
3428 AD |
Note: The Grand Bell Hall Government fled to the Rim. The Maiden took shelter in Enna. |
3429 AD |
3431 AD |
3432 |
3434 AD |
3435 AD |
Note: Illusha turned the PURGER/. into a [Ancient Metafalss Note], Hymmnos Fusion Song, and sang it successfully to temporarily shut down the mass produced digital life-forms (Creatures) made by the engineers of Elemia. Afterwards, she completely wiped out many of the Elemia camps, and was the cause of the death of many people, which drew much criticism to her. Still, they brought a lot of Creatures to this area for using them in the war, and they were left living here once the war ended. As the time passed on, the people began to have animosity against them, and lived afraid of these abnormal beings. |
3436 AD |
3438 AD |
Note: From this year on, the lance became the official weapon for the Grand Bell Knights. This was a reminder of how the Creatures were fought. |
3441 AD |
Note: Because of what the recent visitors brought with them, this was made as a manual for being careful with anyone that came from the outside. Still, the thought of providing the best defense in the time against external threats was the main driving force to build such a heavily fortified mothership. |
3445 AD |
3455 AD |
3487 AD |
3494 AD |
Note: After this, the IPDs began to be hunt and subjected to solitary confinement. This incident left the people trembling. In regards to the IPDs, this was because of negligence, mostly because of the fact that the IPD Reyvateils were created with a rewritten Spectrum Gene that can be passed down from mother to children, which makes it an hereditary virus. But actually, the true cause of this was the Grand Bell's intentions of restoring Infel Phira. |
3500 AD |
3505 AD |
3510 AD |
3522 AD |
3532 AD |
Note: The IPDs are Reyvateils too. This was an extremely important human-rights issue. After this, the IPDs were free to walk in the world. However, in reality, one part of the IPDs, the [Level 8 and Level 9 IPDs], which have the highest levels of mind pollution, continued to be subjected to solitary confinement. |
3544 AD |
3549 AD |
3551 AD |
3563 AD |
3593 AD |
3618 AD |
3624 AD |
3641 AD |
3646 AD |
3667 AD |
3696 AD |
3700 AD |
3709 AD |
3712 AD |
3713 AD |
3720 AD |
3722 AD |
3725 AD |
3727 AD |
3732 AD |
3734 AD |
3736 AD |
3744 AD |
3745 AD |
3748 AD |
3749 AD |
3750 AD |
3751 AD |
3752 AD |
3753 AD |
3754 AD |
3755 AD |
3756 AD |
3758 AD |
3759 AD |
3760 AD |
3761 AD |
3762 AD |
3763 AD |
3764 AD |
3765 AD |
3766 AD |
3767 AD |
3768 AD |
3769 AD |
3770 AD |
3771 AD |
Note: It was because of the influence of Shurelia's Suspend. Because of the lowering on the power output from the First Tower, Raki reduced to 50% the output power from Sol Marta for preservation purposes. Because of that, there were collapses all over the Second Tower, and the frequency increased between each collapse. Sol Marta is outside of Shurelia's jurisdiction, and even if she was aware about its existence, there is no kind of control she could have exerted over it.
3772 AD |
3773 AD |
3774 AD |
Note: Year of the creation of the Metafalica Continent.
3775 AD |
3777 AD |
3779 AD |
3780 AD |
3781 AD |
(Unknown year) |
Ciel nosurge: Ushinawareta Hoshi e Sasagu Uta | |
Characters | Almetica • Casty Rianoite • Clacket Palmium • Coolin • Cosal • Empress • Ginow • Greicoff Rianoit • Kanoyeel.kkll.Preciel • Ionasal.kkll.Preciel • Nayaflask • Nelico • Neptool Planck • Nero • Paralyno • Pram Zeothium • Revelt Flandresca • Renall Tartalka • Ruray • Sarly Planck • Shaomei • Shirotaka • Tabou • Terefunken • Undou Quinquem • Uracill Palmium • Zillillium Rimonite |
Locations | Colony Four Seasons • Colony Ship Soreil • Dream Sphere • Former Genomirai Research Institute • Imperial Genometrics Synchronization Mediation Institute Temple • Imperial Palace • Information Collection City Almetica • Ion's World • Old Imperial Capital Manjusara • Palace Nyurokil • Planetary Maison • Singing Hill • Tz-Tube Company Headquarters |
Songs | ahih rei-yah; • Beautiful World • Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; • Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE (original) • Code Ethes Wei (Class::ETHES_WEI=>extends.COMMUNI_SAT/.) • Duo Waltz of the Rainbow Country • ih=fao-i iyon-du; • mei-fa-re koo-ja-i; • Neptlude (Class::NEPTLUDE=>extends.TX_ CLUSTERS/.) • Ra Ciel Fuser • Ra Ciel • Ritual Prayer Dedicated to the Succession Ceremony • Roar of Earth and Heavens • QuelI->{ein te hyme}; • QuelI->EX[cez]->{kranz}; • To the Songless Hill • zu-fao jen-din; |
Item Listings | Costumes • Food • Manufactured Items • Special Items • Plugins |
Downloadable Content | Costume and Accessory Packs • Talk Packs • World Packs |
Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star | |
Characters | Ar Cielno • Casty Rianoite • Clacket Palmium • Delta Lanthanoir • Cosal • Kanoyeel.kkll.Preciel • Ionasal.kkll.Preciel • Nayaflask • Nelico • Nero • Pram • Prim • Prime • Ratchett Palmium • Renall Tartalka • Sarly Planck • Shirotaka • Telefunken • Undou Quinquem • Uracill Palmium • Zillillium Rimonite |
Locations | Abandoned Residential District • Altar of noh-iar; • Ancient Phantasmal City Tenryosara • Decommissioned City Quanturv • Felion • First Amplification Tower • Flask Sea • Forest of Shelanoir • Forest of Solipsis • Green Ocean Hills • Hymmnesphere • Kurt Himmel • Placenta • Power Distribution District • Quarantined Residential District • Residential District • Sharl Village Honokano • Silvaplate • Singing Hill • Sora • Star Singer's Platform • Syestine • Tenryo Temple |
Songs | Ar-ciel Ar-manaf • Class::AR_NOSURGE#RE:Incarnation; • Class::CIEL_N_PROTECTA; • Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; • Class::DISTLLISTA; • Class::EXPAJA; • Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE; • Class::XIO_PROCEED; • em-pyei-n vari-fen jang; • Hidra Heteromycin • ih=fao-i iyon-du; • Lxa ti-cia • Ra Ciel Reincarnation • To the Songless Hill -Harmonics Pre=Ciel- • With the You of this World, and to the You of That World • yal fii-ne noh-iar; |
Item Listings | Materials • Foods • Mecha • Medicines • Plugins • Key Items |
Downloadable Content | Jiggle Physics Pack • Purification Expansion Packs • Sarly Remove-Wear Glasses Pack • Shirotaka Genopack |