EXA_PICO Universe Wiki
EXA_PICO Universe Wiki

Ar-cen-ciel Ar-cen-ciel 11 August 2016

About Ionasal's Character Development

- moved from the now-deleted GameFAQs message board-

Ion was largely depicted as a girl who would've been helpless without her friends for most of the time in Ar nosurge. Granted, I haven't read the full summary of Ciel Nosurge (though I had read the short summary of it and Aquagon's counter argument when somebody accuses her as a straw idealist), so she might've done a lot more back then.

Her first song in Ar nosurge has a significant impact to the plot (establishing the Earthes channel, restores her memory, but caused massive Sharl propogration and caused serious trouble for Felion and Delta's party) and was forced on her in her catatonic stage. XIO_PROCEED puts her relationship with Earthes as the defining trait. Lxa ti cia was a song tha…

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Ar-cen-ciel Ar-cen-ciel 11 August 2016

Concerto Test Field

Part [Execution] - zep liteth (Descending Rebirth)
Part [Emotion] - nay gin-tiki e-thes (Life of Overlooking God(dess))

Part [Execution] - falar hymi (Eternal Heart)
Part [Emotion] - aru-tes rei-fao (always beloved)

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TheBlueRogue TheBlueRogue 14 October 2014

Ar Tonelico Nominated in Wikia's Ultimate JRPG Battle

Hello there, JRPG Fans!

Wikia is hosting an exciting tournament featuring Japanese role-playing games. The best titles of the genre are squaring off across 15 categories to separate the best from the best! Categories include Best Story, Best Cast of Characters, Best Soundtrack, and a whole lot more. Users can vote in these polls to determine the winners. This exciting battle is being brought to you by Mistwalker Corporation's new mobile strategy JRPG, Terra Battle

We are stopping by to spread the word! Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel has been nominated in the category Best Romantic Subplot(s).

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